Behind the Machinima – Drunk Lore: Illidan Our Savior

The first video of the coming series Drunk Lore begins with Illidan Our Savior.  This is the first part of a two parter that involves Illidan Stormrage and his impact upon Azeroth.  The first video details how he was once Azeroth’s savior while the coming video will explain how he is/was Azeroth’s doom.

Illidan Gathering Well of Eternity Vials

Both machinimas are solely voiced by a smashed Gilg who agreed to do some drinking for the role. We planned a night of drinks and lore, and recorded it on vent in one sitting.  He did a great job for someone who was beyond tipsy, but he did need a tiny bit of story guidance from Short and I.

This is the second machinima that I’ve begun to use Adobe’s After Effects and the first to start adding an apple to.  Now you’re wondering, “Why an apple, Feav?”  Well, you see, I love apples and to help make machinimas that I’ve created more personal I’m adding an apple within each one.

Apple on a Table

Sometimes these delicious fruits are difficult to find while others are right in your face.  I hope everyone who chooses to search for these has much luck and fun!  Oh, almost forgot to mention that I will give a tip on where to find each apple at the end of each Behind the Machinima post.  This is in case some could use a boost in finding that video’s apple. Speaking of…

Apple location tip: you’ll find it in the woods where fel runs deep.

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