Behind the Machinima – Reading Warcraft: Adventuring Journal

Today in Behind the Machinima we’ll be discussing the latest WoW machinima series: Reading Warcraft.  Within, you’ll find Ron travelling all over to share Azerothian stories that he’s discovered with others.  This time others have visited Ron and he has taken it upon himself to inform them of one unfortunate adventurer. … Continue reading

Behind the Machinima – Azeroth Invades Earth: BlizzCon

Azeroth Invades Earth: BlizzCon thumbnail

Today’s Behind the Machinima is taken from my earlier series known as Azeroth Invades Earth.  We’ll be talking about the fourth episode: BlizzCon.  As you know, in it our heroes reminisce about their trip to Blizzard Entertainment, Inc’s annual convention, but did those two really venture all the way to Anaheim, … Continue reading

Behind the Machinima – Trade Chat Chronicles: Juvenile Insults

Trade Chat Chronicles: Juvenile Insults thumbnail

Trade Chat Chronicles: Juvenile Insults is the first video to come in the Trade Chat Chronicles series.  In this video we find various players in Trade Chat grumbling over whatever it is this time.  The voiced lines come from actual Trade conversation that I happened to see while in  my Garrison.  … Continue reading

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